We offer the opportunity for you to volunteer in the area that you feel most comfortable with, where you can contribute the most, and where you'll benefit the most in your volunteering experience. Members can be in one of the following groups:
Active - If getting hot, dirty and physical is your game - this is for you. We offer virtually unlimited opportunities to explore the exciting world of firefighting and the training to do it safely. Whether you only assist on the outside or run in to the fire as others are running out, there is plenty for everyone to do on the fire ground. Active members must participate in a minimum amount of drill training and alarm activity. This category of membership includes active Firefighters, Officers and On-Scene Support Personnel.
Administrative Support - Administrative Support members provide administrative and fund-raising support to help run the business side of our busy fire department. There is plenty to do behind the scenes. Administrative Support members do not need to participate in emergency responses.
Life Members - This membership is for Active Members who put in twenty (20) years of service to the Fishers FD. You may also continue to be an Active Member continuing to make the required alarm percentage and drill requirements.
Honorary Members - This membership is for members of the community that significantly contribute to the betterment of the Fishers FD.
Social Members - Social Membership is for Fishers FD members who have served a minimum of ten (10) years as an Active Member. This membership requires the member's support of at least two (2) non-Firematic functions (i.e., fire safety programs, set up for the Clam bake, etc.). Social members need to attend a number of social events to maintain their membership.
Interested? Click here to send us a note and we will be in touch!